EMSCULPT®: Lose Fat & Tone Up Without Surgery

Woman considers EMSCULPT to lose fat and tone muscle without surgery.

When it came time to expand my product offerings and incorporate new machines, EMSCULPT was high on the priority list for my Troy, NY, practice. I’m thrilled to now offer this innovative, noninvasive fat reduction treatment designed to tone and strengthen muscles and burn fat beyond what exercise alone can achieve.

For those who are committed to a healthy lifestyle, but struggle to develop their desired tone and shape in the gym, this treatment provides a solution requiring no surgery and no downtime.

In this blog post, I’d like to introduce you to this exciting new approach, explain how the technology works, and review who may benefit the most from it.

How It Works

EMSCULPT is FDA-cleared for strengthening and toning abdominal and buttock muscles. The approach uses focused electromagnetic energy to trigger supramaximal contractions in the muscles, which can’t be achieved through voluntary exercise. Your muscles will contract around 20,000 times in 30 minutes, leading to a fat loss of about 19% and muscle fiber gain of about 16% after 4 treatments.

Ideal Patients

The best candidates for EMSCULPT live healthy lifestyles, have less than an inch of pinchable fat, and are looking to improve the tone or shape of their abdomen or buttocks. Since the approach works to improve muscle strength and tone, it can also be used as a nonsurgical butt lift alternative.

Close-up of patient\'s tummy before and after EMSCULPT.

The Treatment Experience

You will lie down and rest comfortably during the treatment, which some patients say feels like an intensive workout. Treatments are broken up into 30-minute sessions, with a minimum of 4 sessions scheduled 2 to 3 days apart. The number of treatments needed over time will depend on the custom plan we develop during your free consultation.

Prep and Recovery

One of the major benefits of EMSCULPT is its noninvasive nature. You won’t need any preparation before the treatment, and you’ll be able to resume your normal activities immediately after.

Woman\'s buttocks before EMSCULPT compared to her shapelier, rounder buttocks after 4 treatments. Side view of woman\'s buttocks before EMSCULPT and the same view after 4 treatments showing a rounder, more defined buttocks.


Treatment costs range from $750 to $1,000, which includes a free consultation to determine the best treatment plan for you.


You will feel results right away and start to see them after 2 to 4 weeks, with improvement continuing for several weeks following your treatment. Some patients compare the final results to the benefits of eating healthy and working out for 6 months.

Side view of patient\'s tummy before EMSCULPT and her flatter, more toned tummy after 4 treatments.

For patients looking to reduce a greater amount of fat, address loose skin, or target areas of the body other than the stomach and buttocks, liposuction or a tummy tuck may be a more effective approach.

If you would like to request a free consultation to learn more about the benefits of EMSCULPT, please contact us online or call our practice in Troy, NY, at (518) 328-3330.

Man\'s torso before EMSCULPT treatment next to the same man\'s more muscular torso after 4 treatments.

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